The World Social Forum (WSF) is an event organized by social movements from many continents, with the objective of elaborating alternatives for a global social transformation. Its slogan is Another world is possible. The number of participants has grown in successive editions of the Forum: from 10 000 to 15 000 at the first forum, in 2001, to around 120 000 in 2009, with a predominance of Europeans, North Americans and Latin Americans, except in 2004, when the event was held in India. However, we can say that he was important for Brazil and the world.
Somos mais de 150 movimentos e organizações que integram o FSMJD e que apostam na reunião de forças progressistas, democráticas, populares e humanistas para construir saídas para a construção de Sistemas de Justiça mais democráticos, livres do racismo, da lawfare, da pactuação com desigualdades, da discriminação de LGBTQI+ de povos indígenas, quilombolas e ribeirinhos, entre outras.